This study presents an empirical study of the effects of variables on job satisfaction. Organizations can consider variables that can create job satisfaction for employees so that effective work ca…
erbagai ragam kemajuan dan dinamikadi dunia bisnis menyebabkan perkembangan yang pesat di berbagai industriyangsalah satunya bidang industri makanan seperti Kecap Bango. Dengan citra merek yang dim…
This study aims to examine the effect of price perception, service quality, and product diversity on customer loyalty. The object of the research was conducted at Superindo in the cit…
Every company should try to develop the quality of human resources as the basic foundation for running the company's processes. In fact, only companies that pay attention to the quality of huma…
Perkembangan profesi akuntan, khususnya akuntan publik di suatu negara, berjalan seiring dengan perkembangan bisnis di negara tersebut. Profesi ini memiliki tanggung jawab untuk meningk…
Aset terpenting dan paling utama bagi sebuah organisasi adalah para pegawai. Hasil kerja pegawai berperan penting untuk menunjang keberhasilan berjalannya semua tujuan organisasi. Hasil kerja atau…
Job performance and employee loyalty as a concept of human resources that have been popular because it will influence the success of the company to achieve its goals. The company's objectives to be…