Abstract Variables examined in this study were Role of Internal Audit (X) as independent variables and Effectiveness of Lending (Y) as the dependent variable. The popilasi in this study were all…
Mojokerto Marketplace Determinants of Product Reviews, Convenience, Trust, and Price on Purchase Decisions on Shoppe ABSTRACT Purpose: The goal of this study is to discover how the Shopee Moj…
Praktek manajerial dari sumber daya manusia untuk mempertahankan karyawan dan mengembangkan kinerja adalah melalui kebijakan remunerasi. Kebijakan ini sebagai bentuk imbalan atas balas jasa kepad…
Studi ini berusaha mengidentifikasi faktor terpenting yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian pengguna Facebook, serta apakah kemudahan, kualitas produk, ketergantungan, kualitas informasi, dan k…
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Public and Business Administration (AICoBPA 2020) Keywords component, coronavirus, sustainability, business, financial performance, publi…
Mojokerto Marketplace Determinants of Product Reviews, Convenience, Trust, and Price on Purchase Decisions on Shoppe
Mojokerto Marketplace Determinants of Product Reviews, Convenience, Trust, and Price on Purchase Decisions on Shoppe ABSTRACTPurpose: The goal of this study is to discover how the Shopee Mojokerto…
Determinan of value the company impact on Employee Stock Option Plan & Free Cash Flow : Coal Mining Market Survey for the Years 2016-2020 Abstract The observed worth of a firm by investors is fre…
PENGARUH RASIO PASAR DAN RASIO KEUANGAN TERHADAP KEUNTUNGAN SAHAM Kata Kunci: Rasio Pasar, Likuiditas, leverage, Return Saham, food and Beverages. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meng…