Abstract This research aims to determine the factors that influence the work of part-time employees or the majority of Cooperative Y in Mojokerto Regency, including work creativity, independence…
Abstract of a document quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests, and thus to decide whether to read the document in its entirety. The Abstract should be informative …
Abstract This study analyzes intelligence influencing conflict management in the digital era. This research is descriptive-explorative. The research location at the PKL Center Jl. Benteng Pancas…
The Effect Of Workload, Compensation And Working Flexibility On Employee Performance at PT Purnama Infonesia Sidoarjo ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the Effect of Work Load, Compensation,…
Pengaruh Pelatihan, Motivasi, Dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Di PT. PLN (Persero) UP3 Mojokerto Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap pegawai di…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh beberapa factor manajemen terhadap keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini berjenis observasional korelasional berifat e…
Abstract Based on the background and problem formulation, the objective is to test, analyze and prove that asset structure, capital structure, macroeconomic, financial risk management, and profi…
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Kompensasi, Dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di PT. Barata Indonesia (Persero) Studi Kasus Proyek Gempolkrep Abstract This study aims to determine and analy…
Company size on corporate social responsibility with the board of commissioners as mediation ABSTRACT Information is a fundamental need for investors and potential investors for…