Abstract The purpose of this study was to find out the form of counseling on the COVID-19 pandemic to the Orphan Orphanage (PAY), a description of the attention paid to preventing the spread of …
Abstract Melalui program Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera (UPPKS) peran perempuan dalam peningkatan perekonomian keluarga diharapkan dapat efektif. Dalam kelompok UPPKS mereka beker…
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of accounting information control system of internal. Based on the measurement scale Gutman, accountin…
INTRODUCTION According to Gan et al. (1), in the digital era and globalization, environmental preservation is a priority for various countries in the world, including Indonesia. Sustainable devel…
Abstract Based on the background and problem formulation, the objective is to test, analyze and prove that asset structure, capital structure, macroeconomic, financial risk management, and profi…
Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of financial and non-financial compensation on the performance of General Hospital employees. As well as evaluating whether the compensation prov…
Abstract Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada PT. Eka Cipto Prima Sentosa Sooko Mojokerto, ada hal-hal yang perlu dikaji dalam penelitian ini mengenai pengaruh kecerdasan emosional, kompete…
Abstract This study aims to determine the value of understanding material that is useful, most useful, memorable and most memorable, 8thsemester students at Mayjen Sungkono Unive…
ABSTRACT Semakin bertambahnya tahun diikuti dengan maraknya bank yang berlatar belakang Syariah. Dalam perkembangan Bank Syariah di indonesia kususnya cukup menguntungkan bagi masyarakat. Selain…