Pegawai sebagai komponen terpenting dari sumber daya manusia berkualitas dari suatu institusi pendidikan dalam pencapaian tujuan pendidikan nasional. Pencapaian ini memerlukan kinerja pegawai yan…
The aim of this survey is to analyzed the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational culture on worker satisfaction. The associative approaches are used to be the ba…
Human resources are the main asset of an organisation. To achieve an effective organisation, attention to employee performance is required. Every company is often faced with employee performance …
Motivational variables and job satisfaction variables are still considered identical variables for some circles. But both of them are different even though both involve emotional responses. Mot…
The main function of public services is to serve administratively to the community and provide excellent service to meet the expectations of the community. However, public service by the state a…
Consumer purchase intentions will arise when the perception of the product is fulfilled, through packaging that has material, color, writing, design, information on the values contained in a pr…
Dunia perbankan persaingannya sangat kompetitif sehingga peningkatan kualitas layanan harus dilakukan dan senantiasa diupayakan. Ini merupakan upaya nyata untuk dapat memperoleh keunggulan komp…
ANALISIS PEMASARAN DAUN PEPAYA JEPANG (Studi Kasus di Komunitas Organik Brenjonk Desa Penanggungan Kecamatan Trawas Kabupaten Mojokerto) Budi Utomo, Megawati Citra Alam, dan Muhammad Hisnur …