Budget Analysis As Revenue And Shopping Control At Lamongan Market Regional Companies
Company Area Market Lamongan is a moving company in the field service. In activities covers increase development area, in particular in the market area in accordance with the provisions apply make budget as control with good. Destination from study this is for knowing how analysis budget income and cost as good control In do study this use method descriptive, quantitative method collection data in study this with interview live with part finance about activity company and request budget data income and shopping per year . data drafted guarantee and next compared to with relevant theory so that you can taken something conclusion. Results study Writer restricted on problem budget which are related with function from report budget in relationship with function budget as a control pad. From result discussion carried out could known that budget at Regional Market Company Lamongan not yet fully play a role as control with fine, thing this could seen budget and still big deviations that occur when compared to with the realization and not yet existence reporting to budget and the realization that made by period say periodically for analyze deviation the as evaluator or evaluation success or whether or not performance company During period budget. Should company do analysis to deviations that occur for knowing reason from deviation the her fund reporting to budget and realization made by period k or periodic.
Keywords: Budget Income As Control
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