The general target policy as well as the specific direction of agricultural
development strategies developed through the modernization of agriculture,
with modernization expected to increase productivity and farmer income,
which in turn will reduce the gap between farmers. The modernization of
agriculture is manifested through the linkage of business, namely the
existence of big business cooperation (modern) and small (traditional)
business. The linkage of business in the agricultural sector is described in
the form of agroindustry and agribusiness. This research tries to do
emphasized on analysis of consumer behavior of rice packaging which is
liked and have high market share in mojokerto city and consumer tendency
to consume certain kind of rice in the future.
Research purpose: 1) Identifying the characteristic of end consumer
packaging rice includes the aspect of brands ( Alami, Pak tani and padi) in
Rahma Jaya store at Mojokerto city. 2) Analyzing the dominant factors
that affect the behavior of end consumers (price, quality, distance, service
and packaging) to buy rice packaging at Rahma Jaya store Mojokerto city.
The basic method of this research is Fishbein Model. The data presented in
the form of symbols that representing final consumer attitude buyers of a
product or brand products. Data Analysis used in this research is the
analysis of Fishbein Model. 1) Incorporate a scoring table on every
questioner drawn from respondents to be analyzed. 2) Analyzing the
attitude of each respondent per brand product. 3) Creating a marketing
strategy for the product after learning the value attitude of the analysis
results Fishbein method.
The results showed: The behavior of consumers towards the brand
packaging rice Alami, Pak Tani and Padi gain biggest selection portion of
100 (one hundred) respondents are trademarks Pak Tani are based on the
total attitude score (bi x ei) amounted to 48.59 with Intresprestsi brand
likes. Second Ranked is Padi brand with the total value (bi x ei) amounted
to 45.66 with Interpretation Regular, Alami brand followed by the total
value (bi x ei) amounted to 43.04 Interpretations is unfavorable.
Analysis model of Fishbein of the trust and evaluation of consumer
attitudes on packing rice produce several strategies to increase products
sales based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded as : 1) The product of Pak Tani packing rice obtained by total value based on
attitude toward object on the basis of Trust Value and its Evaluation is
equal to (48.59) with Interpretation of Very Likes, Padi Brand Product
obtained by total value (45.66) with Interprestasi Likes and followed by
Alami Brand Product with Total value of (43.04) with Average
Interpretation Only. Thus product Brand Pak Tani is the Brand of the most
in demand by Consumers compared with the Second Brand Other Rice
Packaging Products. 2) Consumer packaging rice Alami Brand, Pak Tani
and Padi, have different behavior based on attitudes toward the object
(consumer fanaticism), the dominant factor affecting End Consumer
Behavior on Packaging Rice Product First is Brand Pak Tani with
Interpretation Very Likes to Attribute of Quality (15.55), and Likes to Price
and Service respectively (9,98) and (8,33), Second order of Padi Brand
with Interprestasi Likes to attribute Quality, Price and Service,
respectively (12 , 02), (10,15) and (10,06) and followed by Alami Brand
with Interpretation of Very Likes to Price attribute (14,69), and Likes to
Quality attribute (11,18).
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